Yep. I split my pants on stage. During "Looking for Max," our opening number, I have a few spoken lines with Ruby, after which I do two, level-changing "searching for Max" looks before I start singing again. During my first, when I squat down and peer off the edge of the stage, I heard a rip and felt the fabric around my butt give out. And I knew it was over.
Now, this might not seem like such a big problem, the kind of thing that a savvy actor could work his way around. Except that a significant part of the choreography I do as Barley occurs with my back to the audience, shaking my bunny tail. And, I later discovered that the split went right along the seam from my zipper to my bunny tail. There is no time for me to pin up such a long rip during the show, so there were some minor blocking changes in my later Barley scenes, both to protect my dignity, and the audience's eyes. Nobody wants to see my Theatreworks-provided biker shorts.
Emileena told me didn't notice anything, but I did see a few front-row dads looking at me funny. The whole event pissed me off backstage, and, after I realized the humor in the situation, it was all I could do to keep it together on stage. I sewed everything up this evening, although the Theatreworks costume will want to take a look at these when I get back. I hope my crude tack job holds at least through our last five shows. Because doing the show with your rear hanging out is... a little embarrassing, to say the least.
Kid quote of the day: During the Blue Tarantula: "DON'T TAKE A NAP, MAX!!"
Call tomorrow: 7:30am, Comfort Inn parking lot in North Dartmouth, MA. Our last two show day, in a really beautiful theater.
I guess this means I've gained weight on the tour, which isn't entirely a bad thing.
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